The recent move to New York City (henceforth referred to as “NYC”) has inspired a lot of changes in my life. A more-minimalist living style, less “stuff” and clutter, and a leaner lifestyle in general. I think that this website is a reflection of that, a distilled and condensed version of my online presence, managed through the Power of The Internet. Websites and content-management have changed a lot since I set up my last website. Virtual private servers are a real, feasible service offering! That wasn’t the case, previously. I’m also enjoying WordPress (as opposed to MoveableType, which was a MONSTER) and its integration to the GoDaddy platform.
Those comments being said, I look at this site as a new beginning, something that I can use to chronicle my growth in this new city as a professional photographer, an IT/IA expert, and someone with a lot of learning to do. To new beginnings!